Arlito's Way Podcast

Arlo Everling
Since 01/2023 10 episodes

2. Arlito's Way Podcast Episode 2: My nightmares

Trying to remember an older song that I wrote in about 1995.

2023-02-09 10 min

Description & Show Notes

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The song is in a-minor. The main melody is a, G, F, E it's been inspired by "Skatepunk" bands I liked at the time. I knew nothing about music theory but I enjoyed playing the main theme. The switch to A major in the chorus was new to me as I had always played the song using powerchords. 

I won't just listen 
to what you're telling me
about the things you hear and read
I'm more interested in my own mind
and my own problems
there are things in my head
sometimes I wish I was dead
my brain's in a casket
feat and emptiness flooded in my mind
something broken behind

And I wonder why I can't sleep at night 
I have to fight with my nightmares

Almost everyday
I get down to pray
in my church of misery yeah
my only peaceful place
I like to be alone
I like to be alone and read
the sun comes through red broken window glass
and it gets warm inside

And I wonder why I can't sleep at night 
I have to fight with my nightmares

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