Arlito's Way Podcast

Arlo Everling
Since 01/2023 10 episodes

6. Arlito's Way Podcast Episode 6: Freak Feathers

A fairly recent song I wrote and first recorded in 2014.

2023-05-14 14 min

Description & Show Notes

I recorded freak feathers at Hilmar Pauly's small studio in Gießen. He was using a terrific Neumann mic (sorry I can't remember models or anything but he told me it was an original from previous eras) and he recorded on tape which I had always wanted to try to see if it really does sounds warmer. He was really nice and gave me the confidence to successfully record a bunch of songs. When researching his name I found out that he passed away in 2019 so R.I.P. Hilmar and thanks so much. A little side note: Hilmar invented the Pauly Pop filter which apparently is a high end version of the thing and is sold worldwide and the company is still up and running. 
Hope you enjoy the podcast and the song. Please feel free to get in touch.  

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